The best 5 my favorite watch faces I use recently on Apple Watch series 6 (NIKE Model)!
Hello everyone.
Here’s a quick rundown of some of my favorite and frequently used watch faces for the Apple Watch series 6 NIKE model.
When I wrote about how I ended up buying an Apple Watch, there were more faces than I expected, different features on each face, and it was hard to tell just by looking at the face, so I would like to take this opportunity to summarize.
No. 1: Solar Dial

The most attractive one is the solar dial.
What I’m interested in is this calm design. Although the color scheme is basically based on blue, the position of the sun changes on the dial as time goes on. In the evening, the orange color is added, and in the evening, the sun sets below the horizontal line and the dial itself changes to a darker color. I also like the ability to place four complications. I have an astrology in the top left complication. The astrology complication is a complication that displays the time of the beginning and the beginning of the month. If the month is already above the horizon, the time displayed indicates the time the month entered. Conversely, when the moon is still below the horizon, the astrology complication displays the time of the start of the month.
The number of stars you can see with your naked eye will vary depending on whether the moon is out or not, so if you’re an astronomer, you might find some useful scenes. Then, when setting the dial to the solar dial, turn the Digital Crown to watch the animation of the changing position of the sun, which is a little comforting.
No. 2: Nike Hybrid

The second is the NIKE hybrid.
As its name suggests, this dial is a dial that can be configured on the Apple Watch’s NIKE model. The orange NIKE logo is a nice accent on the black background. As with other dials, you can change the digital display to an analog display, or change the color of numbers or the background color to your favorite color. After all, I often set the dial of NIKE hybrid when I work out. So I put the workout application in the complication. The Apple Watch series 6 NIKE model has a workout app called NIKE Run Club installed by default, but it is free, but it seems that it cannot be used without a membership registration, so I use a genuine workout app for the Apple Watch.
2021/02/03 postscript
My recent Nike Hybrid uses a slightly customized dial with a different color for the midnight turquoise.

I like the calm color and not too simple impression, and it is more functional, so I use it more frequently than solar dial recently.
No.3: Gradation

The third is a dial called gradation. I like the design of this dial so I use it often. The animation on this dial is also stylish, and it is fun to look at the second hand as it moves to check the time. I use a blue color scheme, but like any other dial, I can change the color scheme to a different color. The shape of the dial is round in the image, but you can also change it to a rectangle. There are also four complications, such as podcasts and temperature settings.
No.4: Utilities

Fourth is the dial of the utility.
This dial has a very simple design and I like it. It’s like the watch face from the very first Apple Watch, with a less assertive design, three complications, and a simple, practical watch face that lets you see the time at a glance. I often use it when I go to bed or go shopping. I think the dial is gentle to the memory area of the brain because it shuts out unnecessary information because of its simplicity.
No.5: Mickey Mouse

The fifth dial is the Mickey Mouse dial. As I like Disney, it is a great pleasure for Disney fans to be able to see Mickey anytime. The time is also visible in increments of 12, and three complications can be placed. However, I think there are few opportunities to use it in business situations.
As of October 2020, there are 44 varieties. I’m amazed at the variety of dials beyond my imagination. With so many dials, you can choose one for different scenes or for your mood of the day. I thought the Apple Watch was a highly entertaining watch. I’ve been using the Apple Watch series 6 NIKE model for about two weeks, and I’ve written about my favorite watch face that I use frequently.
Thank you very much for reading through. I hope I can be of any help.