みなさんこんにちは。 今日は、早朝の那覇の街を散歩しながらRICOH … [もっと読む...] about RICOH GR2で那覇の街を散歩してスナップ写真を撮ってみた
博多から北九州へぶらり旅:From Hakata to North of Kyusyu
I bring Sony WX500, Nikon D750 and RICOH GR2 for this travel. I thought that it might be better to bring small camera for journey. Small, light camera which have zooming function could cover my desire for my purpose. If someone said you can buy a new camera within ¥100,000, I'd like to Canon G1X mark3. This bridge is cold "Kanmon Bridge". It is famous bridge in Japan. Really … [もっと読む...] about 博多から北九州へぶらり旅:From Hakata to North of Kyusyu